Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, September 3rd

Period 1
1) Grab your spiral and work on your letter
2) RADaR
3) Revisions
HW: Complete letter at home if not completed by the end of class

Periods 2&3
1) Power Write: What does it mean to advocate for yourself? Why is it important to do this?
2) Discussion
3) Finish and hand in letters
4) LiM Introduction
HW: None (Unless letter is not complete)

Periods 4&5
1) Power Write: What does it mean to advocate for yourself? Why is it important to do this?
2) Discussion
3) Turn letters in!
4) Raymond's Run Class Reading
HW: None

Periods 6&8
1) Power Write: What does it mean to advocate for yourself? Why is it important to do this?
2) Discussion
3) Writing Workshop: Complete draft of autobiography or memoir
HW: None

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