Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31st

1) What problems did the three following inventions solve? Cell Phone, Television, Video Games. Are there any negatives that have resulted from these inventions?
2) TedEd Cotton Gin video
3) Draft Problem Solution Poem
HW: Complete Draft

1) Note Check
2) SSR
3) Begin Rocket Boys
HW: Chapter 19

1) Finish Act V
2) Read Afterword
3) My Fair Lady
HW: Re-read any scenes that are unclear to you

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30th

1) Power Write:What is Krueger Middle School celebrating today? Why is it important to celebrate events like these?
2) Final poem sharing
3) Industrial Revolution Poem Intro
HW: Complete Chart

1) Final Poem Sharing
2) Essay Outline
3) SSR
HW: Chapters 17-18 and notes

1) Act IV Discussion
2) Final Poem Sharing
3) Essay Outline
HW: Finish Outline

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 29th

1) Power Write: Write one basic, and one complex imagery sentence appealing to the sense of sound.
2) Sharing
3) Writing Workshop
HW: Bring final, illustrated poem tomorrow!

1) Note Check
2) Writing Workshop
HW: Bring final, CP2 tomorrow!

1) Writing Workshop
2) Pygmalion Act IV
HW: CP2 due Tomorrow!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28th

1) Power Write: List the 5 senses. Write one sentence, using imagery, appealing to each of the five senses.
2) Absent poets-poetry sharing- Paper pass-back
3) Peer Review
4) Revision
HW: Revise and illustrate poem

1) Note Check
2) Discussion
3) Poetry peer review
4) Writing/Reading Workshop
HW: Read chapters 15-16 and notes

1) Poetry peer review
2) Cockney Discussion
3) Pygmalion Act IV
HW: Work on CP2

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday, January 25th

1) 5 minute prep time for poetry sharing
2) Poetry Out Loud Example
3) Coffee House Sharing
HW: None

1) Partner Prep Time
2) Example Poem
3) Coffee House Sharing
HW: Chapters 12-14 and notes work on revising poem

1) Cockney Paragraph Sharing/ Hand-in
2) Example Poem
3) Coffee House Sharing
HW: Revise Poem

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 24th

1) Power Write: What is imagery?
2) Go over homework
3) Imagery poem
4) Writing Workshop
HW: Complete imagery poem

1) Note Check/ CP1 Check
2) Poetry- Discussion
3) Writing Workshop
HW: Complete CP2 and Chapters 12-13

1) CP1 Check
2) CP2 Work Day
HW: Be prepared to share CP2 and Research and write one paragraph about what Cockney is, where it comes from, and how it influences Pygmalion.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 23rd

1) Power Write: What's the big deal about sleep? What is your sleep schedule like?
2) Review today's task- review annotation
3) Independent Practice
HW: Complete what you don't finish in class

1) Note Check
2) Integrated Project Intro
3) Workshop
HW: Complete research sheet, Chapters 10-11 and notes

1) Finish Act III
2) Review todaysmeet transcript
3) Integrated project workshop
HW: Complete research sheet

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22nd

1) Power Write: What is poetry? How is it different from other writing? What kinds of poetry are there?
2) Hand in your essay! AND Hand in your letter to Rose.
3) Free-Verse Poetry Read/Analyze
HW: None

1) Hand in your essay! AND Hand in your letter to Anna or Rose.
2) Magnet School Assembly
3) SSR- Chapters 8 and 9
HW: Finish chapters 8 and 9 with notes!

1) Hand in your essay and letter
2) Role Assignments/ Today's Meet Assignment
3) Pygmalion Act III
HW: Post your response to the exit question on Today's Meet before class tomorrow.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17th

1) Power Write: What worked well in writing your rough draft of your cause-effect essay? What was difficult for you?
2)Announcements- Holocaust Museum tomorrow!!! No cafeteria bag lunches...
3) Draft Check
4) RADaR
HW: Revise your essay! Final is due TUESDAY!

1) Note Check/ Discussion
2) Draft Check
3) RADaR
4) Announcements/Holocaust Museum Discussion
HW: Revise- Final due Tuesday!

1) Draft Check
2) RADaR
3) Revisions
4) Announcements
HW: Final due Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th

High School Tours take place today- no regular classes.

All Classes- bring printed rough draft to class for RADaR tomorrow!

8K- Complete chapters 6-7 and notes for class tomorrow!

Enjoy your trip to your future school!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 15th

All Classes Computer Lab 505

1) Log On
2) Keep working on Draft 1
- make sure you use: 12 pt font
                                  Times New Roman or Calibri
                                  Double Spaced
                                  1 inch margins
-make sure you include:
                                  Your name and period
                                  5-7 sentence paragraphs
                                  Citations for outside sources!
3) Print and hold onto for THURSDAY!

HW: Finish Draft 1 and have with you Thursday
8K: Above, plus Chapters 6-7 and Notes

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 14th

All Classes in Computer Lab 505

1) Log-on
2) Take out/finish outline
3) Show me your thesis before you begin your draft
4) Draft 1
HW: Permission Slips

8K: Chapter 5 and notes for HW as well :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11th

All Classes Meet in Computer Lab 505

1) HW Check
2) Outline
3) Begin Draft 1
HW: none

1) HW Check
2) Pass out October Sky
3) Outline
4) Begin Draft 1
HW: Read chapters 3-4 and complete notes

1) Cause-Effect Brainstorm
2) Outline
3) Begin draft 1
HW: None

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10th

1) Power Write: What happens as a result of you not getting your homework completed? In order to have positive outcomes at school, what must you do?
2) Cause-Effect Discussion
3) Go over "lemon Brown" questions
4) Cause-Effect Chart
HW: Complete cause-effect chart

1) Begin Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) as soon as you get to your seat!
2) Chapters 1 and 2 discussion
3) Cause-Effect chart
HW: Complete Cause-Effect chart

1) Finish Act 2
2) Discuss
3) Cause-Effect Chart
HW: Complete cause-effect chart

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 9th

1) Power Write: What is the significance of Lemon Brown's treasure? Why is it more important to him than his own safety?
2) Finish- do questions 1-6
3) Go over
4) Cause-effect
HW: Permission Slip

1) Vocabulary:
Acquisition (p.13):
Discontent (p.17):
2) Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
HW: Permission Slip

1) Discussion of Act I
2) Role assignments
3) Act II
HW: Permission Slip

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday, January 8th

1) Power Write: What is your most prized posession? What makes it so special/valuable?
2) Discussion
3) "The Treasure of Lemon Brown"
HW: None

1) Vocabulary words of the day:
Enthalpy (p.1):
Implement (p.7):
2) Continue/Finish Chapter 1- Reading Goal- have through Chapter 2 completed by Thursday!
HW: Notes

1) Role Assignments
2) Act I Reading in Pygmalion
HW: Complete Act I if not completed in class

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7th

Happy New Year!
It's a new year and a new semester... so let's start it off right! Use your agendas, do your work when you get it and turn it in ON TIME!

1) Power Write: What is one academic goal that you are setting for yourself in 2013? How will you attain it?
2) PW Edit
3) The Treasure of Lemon Brown
HW: None

1) Power Write: What is one academic goal that you are setting for yourself in 2013? How will you attain it?
2) PW Edit
3) October Sky
HW: Read Chapters 1 and 2 and complete notes

1) Power Write: What is one academic goal that you are setting for yourself in 2013? How will you attain it?
2) PW Edit
3) Pygmalion
HW: Act I Scene I